Minggu, 09 Februari 2025


by : Risma Agusmayanti,  Achmad Farich , Anggraini 


Background:  anemia  in  pregnancy  is  anemia  due  to  iron  deficiency,  and  is  a type  of  anemia  which  is relatively  easy  treatment,  even  cheap.  Efforts to  overcome iron  nutritional anemia  in  pregnant  women  are  done through  increasing  the  coverage  of  iron  tablet  supplementation,  Vitamin  C  has unstable  properties  in  alkaline solutions,  stable  in  dry  conditions  and  in acidic  solutions,  and  as  an  iron  catalyst  so  that  helps  absorption.

Preliminary  survey  conducted  by  researchers  in  January  2019  from  observations  from  3  posyandu  in  the  ANC book  found  that  65  pregnant  women  consisted  of  Posyandu  Strawbery  1,  namely  TM  2  (4  people),  TM  III  (8 people), in Posyandu Strawbery II TM 2 ( 8 people), TM III (23 people). And in the Strawbery III posyandu namely TM 2 (7 people), TM

III (15 people).

Purpose : of this study is to know the effect of Vit C on hemoglobin levels in pregnant women with anemia in the village of Ringin Sari Banjar Margo, Tuba Tulang Bawang Regency in 2019.

Methods :

quantitative with pre-experimental action, One group pretest -posttest design. The population in this  study  were  all  pregnant  women  with  anemia  as  many  as  65  respondents.  A  sample  of  30  people,  the sampling  technique  used  was  purposive  sampling.  Data  collection  using  observation  sheets,  how  to  administer Vit  C  was  given  1  day  50  mg  to  be  consumed  for  14  days  1x50  mg  /  day  taken  after  lunch  together  with  FE tablets and the data analysis

used was the T-dependent test.

Results :

of the study are known to be the average value of hemoglobin levels before administration of Vit C 8,980 and standard deviation. The average value of hemoglobin levels after administration of Vit C was 12,190 and a standard deviation of .8397.


There  Is  An  Effect  Of  Giving  Vit  C  On  Increasing  Hb  Levels  In  Pregnant  Women  (p  value 0,0003  <0.05).  Suggestions  For  pregnant  women  can  consume  Fe  +  vit  C  tablets  regularly  in  order  to  prevent anemia and to consume foods that contain vitamin C.


Pregnant women are expected to routinely take Vit C together with FE tablets at 13 weeks to 40 weeks' gestation, as recommended, so that at the time of delivery the mother does not experience anemia.

Keywords: Anemia, vit C, Hemoglobin

Sumber : https://www.ejurnalmalahayati.ac.id/index.php/kebidanan/article/view/1731/pdf 

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