Vera Yulyani, Neno Fitriyani Hasbie, Achmad Farich, Amelia Valentine
Background: Health workers are potentially infected due to their exposure to COVID-19 patients during work shifts, All clinical symptoms that occur due to needle prick trauma both directly and indirectly should be recorded as a KIPI reaction.
Goal: Knowing the symptoms of kipi along with related factors experienced by health workers as the forefront in fighting the current coronavirus pandemic.
Method: Observational analytics using a cross sectional method approach using a total sampling technique of 155 samples overall. Data retrieval begins in November 2021. This research was conducted at Pertamina Bintang Amin Bandar Lampung Hospital. Chi-square test statistical data using SPSS 25.
Result: There is no relationship between demographic status and comorbid diseases with KIPI because of the results of p-value data< 0.05.
Conclusion: That there is no relationship between demographic status, comorbid status and KIPI in Health Workers.
Sumber : Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada
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